Figure 1 BRI Lab Technician Chris Gulden (front), and CEO and Chief Scientist Dr. Ira Leifer (back) engaging with interested Earth Day festival attendees on the significance of Bubbleology Research International and AMOG (AutoMObile Gas trace surveyor).
Goleta, CA, May 2, 2019 – The most frequently asked question surrounding air pollution is, what impact does it have on human health? The way we care for the environment has a lot to do with that, because it effects our air quality. According to the World Health organization about 7 million people a year die from air pollution. Topics involving air quality research include: smog, climate change, and human health effects.
Bubbleology Research International (BRI) uses scientific instruments supported by research to solve issues relating to air quality. BRI’s efforts address: California husbandry practices, natural gas pipeline leak detections, trace gas emissions, and natural oil and gas seepage, amongst others. The results have aided in the fight to help reduce air pollution.
Early Saturday morning on April 27th, 2019, the BRI team which included: Dr. Ira Leifer, Chris Gulden, Anthony Sanfilippo and Krystle Farmer, parked AMOG (AutoMObile trace Gas Surveyor) in the Green Car section on Santa Barbara street, and participated in Santa Barbara’s 49th annual Earth Day Festival. This festival is one of the largest Earth Day gatherings on the West Coast.
Though the morning fog brought on a slight mist, that did not damper the spirit of the BRI team who was ready and eager to engage with the Santa Barbara community and introduce them to AMOG! Prior to Earth Day AMOG had undergone tires to roof rebuild that took nearly 15 months! “I have put a lot of hard work into the AMOG Surveyor. It’s a real treat to show off AMOG and give back to the community by spotlighting air quality with our mobile laboratory”, said Chris Gulden, BRI Laboratory Research Technician.

Figure 2 Dr. Ira Leifer, Chris Gulden, and the BRI pup Perla (one-year old border collie), ready and eager to great Earth Day festival goers. Perla was a big hit and attracted many attendees, including other dogs as well. Perla is a part of the BRI team and spends hours in the lab providing a friendly and energetic atmosphere for all the BRI employees.
“Educate. Inspire. Act” was the theme at this year’s Earth Day festival. It is important for BRI to participate in community gatherings like Earth Day to inspire intelligent action around environmental activism, while also educating young minds on the current state of our planet and BRI’s contribution to ensuring it is protected.
With curiosity amongst many, AMOG intrigued people amazed by its commitment to reduce air pollution. “It is inspiring to be a part of an event such as this and to learn about how we as individuals can continue to make our planet more environmentally sustainable”, said BRI Social Media Outreach Coordinator Krystle Farmer.
“The truly unique state of the art capabilities of AMOG allow us to tackle tough pollution problems from new directions, providing critical information to the public, decision makers, and other researchers”, said Dr. Leifer.

Figure 4 Lab Technician Chris Gulden engaging in educated interested Earth Day attendees on the AMOG rebuild.
For more information, brochures were distributed with detailed material about BRI and the varied environmental problems the company studies. The brochure provides useful information for prospective collaborations with colorful scientific schematics that children can use for their science projects or classroom presentations (BRI brochure).
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For more information on The Green Car Show at the Santa Barbara 49th Annual Earth Day Festival visit the website here: 2019 Earth Day Exhibitors